Blue Australian Ringneck Parrot

A stunning mutation found in three of the four Australian Ringneck subspecies: the Mallee (barnardi), twenty-eight (semitorquatus), and Cloncurry (macgillivrayi). It’s possible that blue is present in the fourth subspecies, the Port Lincoln (zonarius), but it would have to be far less common than the other three. Each subspecies has a unique set of colors

NSL Lutino Australian Ringneck Parrot

A rare recessive mutation found in the twenty-eight subspecies of Australian ringneck (semitorquatus). These lutino parrots are fully yellow with a red-orange crown and whitish cheeks, flights, and tail feathers. While wild-type Australian ringnecks have significant differences in plumage, they would likely look very similar with a lutino mutation.

Fallow Australian Ringneck Parrot

A mutation found in the Mallee (Barnardi, pictured first) and Cloncurry subspecies (macgillivrayi, pictured second, left) of Australian ringneck. These fallow subspecies have similarly light green plumage with dark red eyes and a clear-colored beak and feet. While fallow Mallees have a dark red crown with small yellowish-orange stomach patch, Cloncurry parrots have lighter wing
