Pied Red-lored Amazon

A rare mutation that exists in the Salvin’s Amazon subspecies (salvini) of red-lored Amazons. They have a varied amount of pied feathers and skin, ranging from the beak, the cheeks, the nape and mantle, and the feet. Some birds may have larger pied markings than others, almost covering the entire body.

Cinnamon Red-lored Amazon

Cinnamon red-lored Amazons are yellow-brown in color with strong red markings. Unlike a lutino, its bill still retains some melanin, and some pale blue can still be seen on the crown and flight feathers. A secondary form of this mutation exists, developed by Voren’s Aviaries and called “Buttercream Yellow”, where very little blue structural color

Lutino Red-lored Amazon

A mutation first observed in Europe, but has since popped up at least once or twice more – one of which in the Salvinii subspecies. Lutino red-lored Amazons are golden yellow with buttery-yellow wings, somewhat orange cheeks, and a bright red crown. Although arguably the most common mutation in this species, they are still quite
